
Prayer & Worship


Yearly Liturgies and Prayer Services
  • Mass of the Holy Spirit
  • All Saints' Day
  • Thanksgiving Liturgy
  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception
  • Advent Prayer Service
  • St. Julie Day Liturgy (Foundress Day)
  • Ash Wednesday Liturgy
  • Schoolwide Retreat Liturgy
  • Lenten Prayer Service
  • Class Day Liturgy
  • Ascension Thursday Liturgy

In honor of Catholic Feast Days, Holy Days, and other special occasions, our school community comes together to celebrate, reflect, and pray at our liturgies.

All students are welcome to participate actively in our services through a variety of liturgical ministries, regardless of religious affiliation. Training for various Liturgical Ministries is provided. Liturgies take place within the school day and all students are required to attend.

Parents and families members are always welcome to participate in liturgies and prayer services. All liturgies take place in Cuvilly Auditorium.

Heritage Chapel

The Heritage Chapel

In 2011, the Heritage Chapel opened. This beautiful space located on the third floor offers a quiet, reflective space where we encourage students to 'Take 5 with God.'